Imperial Soldiers Star Wars

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WroteIn episode 4 they seem to be different from episode 5 (ie admiral Motti and Admiral Piett and Ozzel have different rank plaques) and in episode 6 it's known that they screwed the system up all together giving every imperial officer the same captain/commander plaqueYes, the rank plaque system underwent a revision between ANH (and the Holiday Special) and ESB. In ROJ there didn't seem to be much devotion to continuity and diversity (where is a John Mollo when you need him?), but a least the chest-pocket cylinders helped to distinguish a 'captain' from a 'commander':Frankly I don't understand why the Rogue One Visual Guide claims that rank plaques could either indicate rank OR affiliation. The Art of Star Wars (1979) has a John Mollo sketch with Imperial 'bureaucrats' and on the upper top right you can clearly see that the badges indicate rank, unfortunately the sketch is cut-off at the edge, but reveals the ranks of 'captain', 'colonel' and 'general' to be distinguished by different colors on the same rank plaque size.Illustrated above you see how the ranks match both Imperial and Alliance personnel, based on the onscreen information we got from ANH and ESB. Since the 'Imperial Forces' are a combined service (rather like Nelson's Royal Navy with 'blue' sailors and 'red' marines), there is this unorthodox mix of naval and army ranks.

Star wars imperial army

Click to expand.It is confusing no doubt. You can either give the Army and Starfighter Command (SFC) their own transports and carriers or you can have the Army and SFC be driven around by the Navy which I think makes the most sense but that arrangement definitely secures the Navy as the most prominent branch of the military.I also don't think the Stormtroopers require their own branch, I see no problem with them being a unit type in the overall Army. Same with a Marine Corps type invasion/landing/assault force, can these forces not be specific divisions within the Army as opposed to their own branch which would leave the Army as only a ground combat/garrison force?I love to discuss what the most efficient structure for the military and government of a galactic would look like. I spent too much time thinking about this.

Click to expand.I think the Moff ranks are a quasi-military organization, in that they can command the objectives of the military (but not the operational aspects of the military) and of course 'govern' their territories.What I would like to know if what the relationship is between the Grand Vizier and the Grand Moffs. I see the Empire (Grand Vizier) as federal, Grand Moffs as state, Moffs as county, and Govenors as municipal. Each has their own budget and resources but. rolls downhill if you know what I mean, as in everyone reports to their superior. Of course some things are federally controlled and some things are state controlled ect.

Imperial Soldiers Star Wars

May not be a hierarchy as such, various special positions are assigned to Admirals, Directors, Governors & Grand Moffs and they govern in accordance with the dictats and commands of the Emperor and his inner council. The forces that make up the majority of the Empire serve as little more than centurions with no command responsibility other than to be subordinate to assigned commander.

Imperial Military MetaNerdz Lore; 104 videos. Fortress & Hub of Republic Military Power - Anaxes Planet Lore - Star Wars Locations Explained. TIE Mauler - Star Wars Imperial Ships Breakdown. 'The Emperor's army is infinite.' — Rahm Kota The Imperial Army is a branch of the Imperial Military that has the primary responsibility of conducting ground-side military operations under the oversight of Army Command. It was formed by re-organizing the Grand Army of the Republic and kept its previous command structure.

It is quite possible we then have overlapping responsibility and some Snr officers agree to orders that are in contravention to the Emperor's rule by decree laws. Keeping in mind the Emperor is not a civilian role and not beholden to any elected assemble. Members of his own army would be making their own rules up as we saw in ANH, ESB & in Rogue One. Click to expand.In the Star Wars continuity their does not appear to be any pattern to command hierarchy. Besides the Emperor who we see the Admirals, Governors and Directors all have separate roles and rule through a council. Perhaps they have an elective system and some officers are assigned a greater weight.

Imperial soldiers star wars with stormtroopers

This is all conjecture but every time we see the Imperial officer class they are usually all together and decisions are made through consensus as in ANH. Snr officers even get away with seeking clearance from higher ups when they are denied clearance from their immediate commander. Krennic went over the head of Tarkin to Vader and attempt to gain access to the Emperor himself.

Therefore it looks on the surface to me at least that the rankings are fairly loose. Click to expand.In the Star Wars continuity their does not appear to be any pattern to command hierarchy.

Besides the Emperor who we see the Admirals, Governors and Directors all have separate roles and rule through a council. Perhaps they have an elective system and some officers are assigned a greater weight. This is all conjecture but every time we see the Imperial officer class they are usually all together and decisions are made through consensus as in ANH. Snr officers even get away with seeking clearance from higher ups when they are denied clearance from their immediate commander. Krennic went over the head of Tarkin to Vader and attempt to gain access to the Emperor himself. Therefore it looks on the surface to me at least that the rankings are fairly loose.

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