Star Trek Prometheus Class Specs
The Prometheus class prototype USS Prometheus NX-74913, which was launched in 2374, on stardate 50749.5 from the Beta Antares Ship Yards inthe Antares Sector as one of the most advanced ships in Starfleet. It is an experimental prototype vessel that has been designed for deepspace tactical assignments and employs systems which are cutting edge of Federation technology.The Prometheus is so highly classified that when it was field tested in 2374, only four people had been trained to operate the bridge. Accessto all important onboard systems, including communications, was restricted to personnel with level four clearance or higher. In an emergency,all systems could be routed to the bridge, making it impossible to access them from any other location.When it was launched, the Prometheus was the fastest ship in Starfleet.
Star Trek: Prometheus is a novel miniseries created by Christian Humberg and Bernd Perplies. It is a sequel to the events of Star Trek: The Fall. Prometheus will feature tensions on the frontier between the United Federation of Planets and the Klingon Empire, and will center on the USS Prometheus (NX-74913) and the IKS Bortas as they investigate the threat of terrorism in the Lembatta Cluster. Later named the Prometheus class, the ship was intended to be able to separate allowing the Science, Diplomatic, and Civilian population of a ship to warp out. You also have to remember that Star Trek Prime Timeline battles work very. When the Prometheus engages the Nebula-class ship, two of the.
It can sustain a stable cruising velocity of warp 9.9. It hasparticularly advanced tactical systems, and is equipped with standard phasers and torpedoes, plus regenerative shielding and ablative hullarmor.
Most significantly, the Prometheus is capable of multi-vector assault mode (MVAM): the ship is actually made up of three distinctmodules, each of which is heavily armed. During MVAM, these modules separate and attack their target. This makes the Prometheus a formidableweapon that can easily disable large starships.The bridge of the Prometheus has the same layout as most other Federation vessels, with the captain's chair in the center and a largeviewscreen at the front; as the ship is primarily designed for battle, the design has been simplified. As usual, a number of stations runaround the bridge.
Engineering is on the captain's extreme right; the environmental station is next to this. The master systems controlstation is directly behind the captain's chair and the tactical station is on his extreme left. All of these stations, as well as thecaptain's chair, are on a raised level; three sets of steps lead down into a curved conn station is located. Two officers sit at thisstation, which also controls communications. Four doors lead off the bridge; the one behind the captain and to his left leads to a turbolift.If necessary, the entire bridge can be crewed by four people. Only the conn, engineering, and tactical stations are provided with seating.The Prometheus has a state-of-the-art sickbay with all the latest equipment.
Entry is straight into the main diagnostic and surgical area.There are several desks around the room, which is dominated by a surgical biobed.The ship has its own EMH, which is also a prototype. On its maiden voyage this EMH, the mark II, was programmed specifically for thePrometheus and could identify the crew on sight; when it encountered any other Starfleet officers, it automatically requested their rank andsecurity clearance.
In addition, it immediately tried to alert the bridge in event of intruders. The program's holomatrix was stillunstable when Starfleet conducted field tests on the prototype ship. The Prometheus makes much greater use of holographic systems thanearlier vessels. The entire ship is fitted with holographic projectors, allowing the EMH to move outside of the sickbay. This enables itto treat injuries sustained during battle as quickly as possible.The Prometheus has two registeries, NX-59650 and NX-74913. While the NX-59650 registry can be clearlyseen on the hull, the NX-74913 comes from the dedication plaque and master systems display. The higher 74913is more consistant since the Prometheus is a new and highly advanced starship.
The lower 59650 is possibly amistake made by Foundation Imaging.The Prometheus was designed by Star Trek: Voyager senior illustrator Rick Sternbach and rendered as acomputer-generated image by Foundation Imaging. The Prometheus interiors were designed by series productiondesigner Richard James, using redressed portions of the re-created Excelsior bridge that James made for'Flashback', as well as the Voyager sickbay in addition to new sets.
Actor Tony Sears, who playedthe Prometheus officer killed by the Romulans, previously worked in the Star Trek: Voyager art department.Related Links:USS Prometheus NX-74913 While on one of its first test flights in 2374 the Prometheus was hijacked by Romulans whokilled the rest of its crew. While escaping Federation space the Prometheus was interceptedby a, and twovessels. Control of the ship was regained by it's EMH and the EMH doctor from the. Named after the Greek Titan that gave mankind fire. 'Message in a Bottle' - VOY.Specifications:Type:CruiserLength:414mSpeed:9.99Armament:Eighteen Type 10 phasersFive photon torpedo launchersPulse phaser cannons.
Starfleet Ship Classes L-ZStarfleet L-ZKnown prefixesNCC: Starfleet, active serviceNX: Starfleet, experimentalMediterraneanGeneraldescriptionThere are no known facts about the Mediterraneanclass except that it was already in service in 2349.Known shipsUSS Lalo NCC-43837USS Wyoming NCC-43730AnnotationsNo ship of this class was evervisible. The class name Mediterranean is from the Star Trek Encyclopedia.ClassspecificationsFreighterMercedGeneraldescriptionWe know very few about the Merced class. It must have been introduced in the first decades of the 24thcentury, according to registry of USS Trieste, and it is not capable ofintercepting a Galaxy-class ship.Known shipsUSS Trieste NCC-37124AnnotationsNo ship of this class was evervisible.ClassspecificationsNone availableGeneraldescriptionThe Miranda class is apparently a parallel development tothe reconstructed class. The warp nacelles areattached to the saucer bottom, which is extended atthe rear end to hold additional sensor arrays on the topand two shuttlebays. The original version has aphoton torpedo tube mounted on a 'rollbar', whereas therollbar was removed from the Miranda II, a transport variant. The MirandaIII has no rollbar, but additional sensor pods at the port andstarboard sides of the saucer. Miranda-class starshipsare still in use during the Dominion War.
Some olderships have been reassigned to act as transport vessels.Known shipsUSS Brattain NCC-21166USS Lantree NCC-1837 (Miranda II)USS Majestic NCC-31060USS Nautilus NCC-31910USS Reliant NCC-1864USS Saratoga NCC-1887USS Saratoga NCC-31911 (Miranda III)USS ShirKahr NCC-31905USS Sitak NCC-32591USS Tian An Men NCC-21382USS Trial NCC-1948Annotations. The original Miranda (USS Reliant) was designed by Mike Minor and JoeJennings for 'Star Trek II' and built at ILM.
It appeared inmany episodes of TNG and DS9, set almost 100 years later. The two modified versions seem to be far less common, sincethe only known ships of these subclasses are the Lantree in TNG:'Unnatural Selection' (Miranda II) and the second Saratoga in DS9:'Emissary' (Miranda III), respectively. Demoted to atransport ship, the Lantree apparently does not need theweapons in the rollbar any more. The actual reason is that Gary Hutzeldidn't get the lighting of the rollbar to work when he prepared themodel for shooting, and decided that the ship would still look goodwithout it, thereby 'inventing' the sub-class. The Saratoga can be seen firing phasers from thesensor dome (like the TOS Constitution).
Maybe we should discount thisas an VFX error.The more recent Mirandas in Dominion War have nacelles visually identical tothe ones of the USS Reliant and all other standard Mirandas before, but theyare lighted like on newer Starfleet ships, with red Bussard collectorsand blue warp field grilles. This could point to a refit of the shipand might explain why these old ships are still in service. It is notevident, however, if the 24th century Miranda is really faster. All wecan say is that the ships are cannon fodder, consideringhow fast most vessels of this class are obliterated in DS9: 'Sacrifice of Angels'and once again in the stock footage shown in DS9: 'What You LeaveBehind'. The area of the aft torpedo tubes in the pod are lightedon some of the Dominion War Mirandas like the impulse engines below inthe main hull.
If we don't want to discount this as an error, theseMirandas constitute yet another variant.Though frequently otherwise stated in the Star TrekEncyclopedias, the Brattain has a rollbar, as can beclearly seen in TNG: 'Night Terrors'. The shipis named for Walter Brattain, the co-inventor of the transistor. Themodel, however, was. Which one was first, the Miranda or rather theConstitution refit? There are. The Miranda class is often called 'Avenger class' infandom.
As long as any canon evidence is missing, I go with the namestated in the Star Trek Encyclopedia. Other class names listedthere were not on screen either, but are commonly accepted.The USS Trial appeared in DS9: 'Way of the Warrior' as apart of the task force led by the Venture.
Model photo (AMT/Ertl kit)courtesy of Larry Nemecek. Note that 'RELIANT' was simplyrearranged to 'TRIAL' and '1864' to'1948'. The registry NCC-1864 of the Reliant (without the name) can be seenas soon as on the wall chart in TOS: 'Court Martial'. The actual registry of the Saratoga from 'Star Trek IV'is NCC-1887 and can be clearly seen in the Drex TV episode 4, unlikeeverything ever stated before.
According to the deployment status display in TNG: 'TheMeasure of a Man' there is a Saratoga with the registry NCC-31640(or similar). This is overruled by the hull number NCC-31911 visibleon Sisko's ship in DS9: 'Emissary', unless we make upanother complicated history of ships being renamed.ClassspecificationsMiranda II: TransportLength: 243mCrew complement: 200 (Reliant), 34 (Brattain)GeneraldescriptionNebula starships are about the same size as -class vessels. The saucer hullsand the warp nacelles of the two classes aresubstantially identical. The Nebula class has a morecompact arrangement of the hull components, however, itis equipped with an additional sensor module.Known shipsUSS Bellerophon NCC-62048USS Bonchune NCC-70915USS Endeavour NCC-71805USS Farragut NCC-60597USS Hera NCC-62006USS Honshu NCC-60205USS Leeds NCC-70352USS Lexington NCC-61832USS Melbourne (Prototype II, reg.
Unclear)USS Merrimack NCC-61827USS Monitor NCC-61826USS Phoenix NCC-65420 (Phoenix variant)USS Prometheus NCC-71201USS Proxima NCC-61952USS Sutherland NCC-72015USS T'KumbraUSS Ulysses NCC-66808Annotations. The Nebula prototypes were designed and built by Ed Miarecki. Hisbasic design was developed into a fully-fledged ship by Rick Sternbach andMike Okuda.There are at least four variants of the fully-fledged Nebuladesign. Only the Phoenix in TNG: 'The Wounded' could be seen withthe different (and less detailed) sensor pod than on laterNebula-class ships.
The Sutherland of TNG: 'Redemption' wasthe first ship with the triangular pod, followed by a slightlydifferent variant, the USS Farragut from 'Star Trek Generations'.There is at least one CGI version as in VOY: 'Message in aBottle' (Bonchune variant), probably more. A Nebula CGI seen in DS9: 'The ChangingFace of Evil' seems to have a verystrange cone-shaped saucer. I think it is just an inaccurate model,not still another variant. Read everything about the variants. Older drawings of the Nebula class from the Encyclopediasshow the saucer of the standard Nebula with the same diameter as that of theGalaxy, while the top half is flattened (and therefore has fewerdecks). The saucer of the Nebula studio model, however, seems to have exactly the same height, onlyall the windowson the decks 6-9 are removed compared to the Galaxy model. The CGI featured in VOY: 'Message in aBottle' even includes all the missing windows.
The Nebula prototype II appeared as 'USS MelbourneNCC-62043' in TNG: 'Best of Both Worlds',but its name and registry were not readable. The very same name and registrywere visible on theExcelsior in DS9: 'Emissary', however. Prototype I appeared in TNG: 'FutureImperfect', and it was modified to with a pod to become No.
IIIin Sisko's ready room on DS9. Read everything about theand about the. In TNG: 'Interface' Geordi says the USS Hera has a crewcomplement of more than 300, although there should be considerablymore on a ship of this size.
Maybe it was running with a minimumcomplement at the time. The same may apply to the Prometheus in DS9:'Second Sight' where there seemed to be neither a captainnor a first officer. The NCC-6xxxx registries of some Nebula-classships suggest that the class has been introduced someyears prior to the Galaxy class if the ships aresequentially numbered. 'Bellerophon' is the correct spelling of the ancientGreek hero, although the shipis sometimes listed as 'Bellerephon'.
The ship seen in DS9:'Emissary' might have been incorrectly labeled, but it was notreadable, and the latership was definitely 'Bellerophon'. The non-canon Ships of the Line calendar shows a Nebula-classvessel USSBonchune NCC-70915 (after Rob Bonchune who works at FoundationImaging). The same CGI may have appeared in VOY: 'Message in aBottle', and at least its number was finally legible in VOY:'Endgame'.ClassspecificationsExplorerLength: 440m (Farragut), 465m (Phoenix), 525m (prototype I,III), 535m(prototype II)Max. Speed: Warp 9.5GeneraldescriptionThe New Orleans class is a widespread design forsmaller starships (frigates) in the mid-24th century, andis suited for combat. The ships have an elliptic saucersection, similar to the class, however, considerablysmaller.Known shipsUSS Kyushu NCC-65491USS Renegade NCC-63102USS Rutledge NCC-57295USS Thomas Paine NCC-65530AnnotationsThe destroyed USS Kyushu in the Wolf 359 graveyard (built by EdMiarecki) was the only New Orleans-class ship ever shown. The model used for this scene consisted of theslightly modified saucer, engineering hull and warpnacelles of the far larger Galaxy class, and thereforewas not suited to be clearly displayed.
I have describedmy on aseparate page.ClassspecificationsFrigateLength: approx. 340mGeneraldescriptionThe Niagara is a large three-nacelled starshipthat has probably been built over a period of somedecades.Known shipsUSS Princeton NCC-59804USS Wellington NCC-33821Annotations. The ship was built by GregJein for TNG: 'Best of BothWorlds'. The from the Star Trek Fact Files isnot very precise. It reproduces the overall structure,but lets it look like an awful kitbash job. Actually, the modelwas scratch-built by Greg Jein but it uses three way too large nacelles.
We havetried to correct at least the most blatant errors. Reviewing the, the Niagara is the rather prominent vertical ship when theEnterprise is shown entering the debris field. The registry of the Princeton is, as can be seen on the model itself.
The StarTrek Fact Files and the most recent Star TrekEncyclopedia II (individual entry) give NCC-58904. The registry NCC-33821 for the Wellington comes from the deploymentstatus chart in TNG: 'The Measure of a Man', as opposed tothe NCC-28473 as listed in the Encyclopedia.ClassspecificationsLength: approx. 480mGeneraldescriptionFew facts are available on the Norway class. Themain hull resembles a flat-iron, the secondary hullconsists of two wing-shaped warp pylons with a gap inbetween. Instead of phaser strips this class has a phasercannon installed in the bow.Known shipsUSS Budapest NCC-64923USS Canopus NCC-64834USS Tannu Tuva NCC-64924Annotations.
Star Trek Prometheus Class Specs Youtube
Contrary to all rumors the Norway class appeared exclusively in 'FirstContact' (except for a few indirect appearances on displays). There was only a rather poorly detailed CGI by ILMof the ship, not a realstudio model. At some point, the mesh of the Norway was purportedly irretrievablylost, and we never saw it again. Ironically, the DS9TM liststhe ship as part of the task force to retake Deep Space 9, though. The length of 355m is based on the, with the assumption that all otherStarfleet vessels were scaled down by 0.88 relative to the Sovereign.ClassspecificationsLength: approx. 355mGeneraldescriptionThe Nova class is a small science ship with acrew complement of about 80.Known shipsUSS Equinox NCC-72381USS Rhode Island NCC-72701 (variant)Annotations. According to the TNG Technical Manualthe Galaxy class was supposed to be replaced by a new capital shiptype called 'Nova class'.
Prometheus Class Sto
The producers of Star TrekVoyager, however, decided to give this name to a small type of sciencevessel instead. Read. The design of the Nova class (created by Rick Sternbach for VOY:'Equinox') is derived from the Defiant pathfinder designwhose top view is depicted in the DS9 Technical Manual. The future Nova variant could be seen in VOY: 'Endgame',the obvious modifications being that the deflector gap in the saucerwas largely filled, there was a new bridge or bridge dome, and thefins on the nacelles had been tone down. I assume that, although thefuture has been altered, the variant actually exists. At least the USSRhode Island, with its registry from the early 2370s, must alreadyhave been built, with or without the modifications. The direct comparison of Voyager and Equinox MSDs in VOY:'Equinox' shows the latter at only 150m, less than half thelength of the Intrepid-class ship.
Star Trek Prometheus Class Specs 2
Fitting the eight decks into theNova class, with about the same deck heights as on Voyager (3.5m to4m), would require a length of at least 180m. Considering that theEquinox used largely the same internal sets as Voyager. Rick Sternbachgives the design length as 221m, although this would make the decksvery tall.
The Rhode Island in VOY: 'Endgame' is way offscale, as it seems to be at least half as long as the Klingon Negh'Varvariants. Either the VFX people had no idea of the Klingon vessel, orthey unwisely decided to let the Rhode Island, fighting against two ofthem, appear more powerful. They should have taken the Sovereign classinstead.ClassspecificationsLength: approx. 221mDeck count: 8Crew complement: 80GeneraldescriptionThe Oberth class is a very common science vesseldesign that is used by Starfleet as well as. Although its first construction dates backat least as long as the Excelsior class, many ships ofthis class are still in service.Known shipsUSS Biko NCC-50331USS Bonestell NCC-31600USS Cochrane NCC-59318USS Copernicus NCC-640USS Grissom NCC-638USS Oberth NCC-602USS Pegasus NCC-53847USS Raman NCC-29487USS Tsiolkovsky NCC-53911USS Yosemite NCC-19002Annotations. The USS Grissom was built at ILM for 'Star Trek III'. It is unlikely that the Oberth class is a much olderdesign than the Excelsior class (see ), although the registries suggest so.
In any case, the Oberth class has been verysuccessful, since production continued for at least 80years. I don't think that we should predate the whole class by severalmore decades. The USS Grissom most likely has weapons in'Star Trek III'. Kirk, who is probably aware of the ship'sclass, wonders whether the Grissom will fire at the renegadeEnterprise. The simple explanation why the ship is destroyed soquickly nonetheless may be that Captain Esteban hardly stands a chance against a Klingon warship and thereis no time to raise the shields. There is one Oberth-class ship at Wolf 359, and theclass is present at the Sector 001 battle in'First Contact' too.
These vessels may have been equipped withstate-of-the-art weapons in the meantime. But the USS Bonestell,as seen in DS9: 'Emissary', may have entered the battle areaaccidentally.
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