The Undocumented Pc Pdf

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Knowing about the key hardware elements of a PC allows applications programmers to dramatically speed up the execution time of their program. The Undocumented PC reveals for the first time the undocumented or difficult-to-find programming features of critical PC hardware. In addition, the book provides the only available reference to Input/Output ports, undocumented CPU instructions, fixed memory areas, and much more. You will find each major subsystem of the PC explained in detail, followed by extensive reference sections that show and explain both documented and undocumented BIOS-functions. These are explained in far greater detail than ever before, and cover all the major system architectures including the PC, XT, AT, EISA, and MCA. A value-added disk includes diagnostic and analytical tools such as IOSP̲Y, a TSR that monitors the current I/O port status on screen; equipment detection routines for the disk, diskette, video, and other important aspects; CPU detection routines to identify the exact CPU, FPU, speed, vendor, and other critical processor information; utilities to identify and test undocumented CPU instructions; demonstration utilities to access CMOS memory, the keyboard controller, and other subsystems.

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The Undocumented Game


Gameplay as a migrant is styled after The Oregon Trail, in which the player must purchase supplies for the journey before setting off on the path and encountering events. Additionally, border patrols roam the map, requiring the player to choose paths that avoid patrols or double back in an attempt to escape capture. The undocumented pc a pdf the undocumented pc a programmers to i o cpus and fixed memory areas Google Docs offers an undocumented feature that lets you. Buy The Undocumented PC: A Programmer's Guide to I/O, CPUs, and Fixed. I don't think a PDF or E-Book was ever made to this book, so your last option is to.

Use a tool to dump the export table from a shared library (for example, a.dll such as kernel32.dll). You'll see the named entry points and/or the ordinal entry points.

The Undocumented Pc Pdf Files

Generally for windows the named entry points are unmangled (extern 'C'). You will most likely need to do some peeking at the assembly code and derive the parameters (types, number, order, calling convention, etc) from the stack frame (if there is one) and register usage. If there is no stack frame it is a bit more difficult, but still doable. See the following links for references:.Check out tools such as for investigating export sections.There are also sites and books out there that try to keep an updated list of undocumented windows APIs:.Edit:These same principles work on a multitude of operating systems however, you will need to replace the tool you're using to dump the export table. For example, on Linux you could use to dump an object file and list its exports section (among other things). You could also use to set breakpoints and step through the assembly code of an entry point to determine what the arguments should be. Everybody here so far is missing some substantial functionality that comprises hugely un-documented portions of the Windows OS RPC.

The Undocumented Pc Pdf Online

RPC (think rpcrt4.dll, lsass.exe, csrss.exe, etc.) operations occur very frequently across all subsystems, via LPC ports or other interfaces, their functionality is buried in the mysticism incantations of various type/sub-type/struct-typedef's etc. Which are substantially more difficult to debug, due to the asynchronous nature or the fact that they are destine for process's which if you were to debug via single stepping or what have you, you would find the entire system lockup due to blocking keyboard or other I/O from being passed;)is probably the most expedient way to investigate undocumented API. They have a fairly mature kernel and other executive's built up. IDA is fairly time-intensive and it's unlikely you will find anything the ReactOS people have not already.Here's a blurb from the linked page;ReactOS® is a free, modern operatingsystem based on the design of Windows®XP/2003.

Written completely fromscratch, it aims to follow theWindows® architecture designed byMicrosoft from the hardware levelright through to the applicationlevel. This is not a Linux basedsystem, and shares none of the unixarchitecture.The main goal of theReactOS project is to provide anoperating system which is binarycompatible with Windows.

This willallow your Windows applications anddrivers to run as they would on yourWindows system. Additionally, the lookand feel of the Windows operatingsystem is used, such that peopleaccustomed to the familiar userinterface of Windows® would find usingReactOS straightforward. The ultimategoal of ReactOS is to allow you toremove Windows® and install ReactOSwithout the end user noticing thechange.When I am investigating some rarely seen Windows construct, ReactOS is often the only credible reference.

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