Calculator Button On Keyboard

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  1. Calculator Button On Logitech Keyboard Not Working

Hello @Emily 1141! Welcome to the Logitech Community! 😃 Our team will be happy to help you! Please try this troubleshoot:-Check function assignment for Calculator button on SetPoint software (also in setpoint software you can press the 'restore defaults' button when your are in keyboard settings). How do I get the calculator button on my Microsoft keyboard to work? It suddenly stopped working.

Hello,I have a simple question to ask, ie when using du command, how cancan we have the listing sorted with the file size as sort key.I tried: du +0 -1 but this will not give correct result,since if we have:file size- -A 10B 2C 3The outout from the pipeline is '10./A2./B3./CHow can we do it correctly, do we have to pipe the field 0 fromdu to bc or some similar command to do that?Thanks in advance!-Boyd Roberts31.07.92 16:03. Du sort by size.

Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.hardware hippy said in news:%23DoSszOVEHA.4064@TK2MSFTNGP11.phx.gbl: The MS Natural keyboard has web keys along the top. One of them loads the calculator application. XP wont let me delete calc.exe, so how can I disable the Calculator button on this keyboard in XP??

cheers! hippyUse the software for the keyboard that lets you program the programmablekeys on your keyboard. Aren't those buttons to which you referprogrammable?-. Post replies to newsgroup. Share with others.

Program calculator button on 5050 keyboard

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Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.hardware 'hippy' wrote in messagenews:#DoSszOVEHA.4064@TK2MSFTNGP11.phx.gbl. The MS Natural keyboard has web keys along the top. One of them loads the calculator application. XP wont let me delete calc.exe, so how can I disable the Calculator button on this keyboard in XP??The software is meant to be buggy and XP handles itall now anyway, so I didn't want to kludge it all up.I ended up using TweakUI/Powertoys to disable thecalculator button.

Wireless keyboard with calculator button

Thanks for your suggestions guys!hippy.

Here are a few things that I can think of in order from most likely to least:. Recent OS, software, or driver changes.

You may have toggled a function-lock key. Your keyboard key is not mechanically working properly.If you have updated your OS or keyboard software, you may have altered the functionality of your key mappings. You should check your Logitech keyboard software or driver. Roll back any recent OS changes or software changes.

Calculator Button On Logitech Keyboard Not Working

Update your keyboard driver or keyboard software.Look on your keyboard for a Fn or function key, toggle it and test the calculator key again.Remove your keycap from your keyboard and clean the contacts. I think most Logitech keyboards have rubber dome keys so it should be easy to clean. Here is a video but you can look around for more if this isn't close enough for your model keyboard.

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